Tuesday, December 20, 2011


A million stops ago,
I would've told you everything
But a pause later,
I'd just say 'It's nothing'.

Like the movement of stars,
what interstellar changes that occurs
Is overlooked, by distance, overtook;
This is you looking at me through my eyes.

It is not so much choice as it is fate
that I should tire of keeping up with you.
All that occurs is but circumstance,
a string of events juxtaposed with 'chance'.

I'm letting myself trail into an infinite ellipsis
You can stop me but you won't.
I understand that you simply don't
understand this. Not in the least.

This silence is not circumstantial,
It is pure and existential.
It is slow but this is full-stop;
This is me looking at me through your eyes - I don't exist.

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